Ask Alexa 4 – Stopwatch

Asking Alexa to set a timer through my Amazon Echo Show is straightforward enough. “Alexa set timer.” “Alexa set timer for 35 minutes”. When you the time is up, Alexa sets an alarm sound and you say “Alexa stop” and its all over with. However I do a lot of work where I need to …

Ask Alexa 2

One of the fun things about owning an Echo is the numerous questions that you can ask. “Alexa, what have you learnt today?” Today Alexa has been thinking about ways of helping to deal with writers block. The rest of us are worried about catching Covid 19. “Alexa, will you catch Covid 19?” “According to …

Amazon Echo Flex

The Amazon Echo Flex is essentially an additional listening device that you can add around your home so that you can access the various SMART features of Alexa. You can turn on lights, adjust thermostats, lock doors, and more with compatible connected devices. What it will not do is act as a replacement for a …

Amazon Echo Dot

The Amazon Echo Dot is now on its 3rd rendering. The Dot is the most popular of all the Amazon smart speaker devices currently available. The 3rd generation now comes with a fabric design and moves away from the plastically feel of the earlier models. More importantly the speaker is improved and so the Echo …