Ask Alexa 12

One of the beauties of Alexa is that you can ask her anything. She may not always have the answer, but you can always ask her the question. I have been using youtube videos to improve my repotoire of meals. However I was getting stuck on what to type in the search box and sometimes when I did I would be overwhelmed with suggestions that I didn’t know where to start, so I decided to ask Alexa.

You can try this for yourself, here are a few to try “Alexa, give me a pasta recipe”, “Alexa, give me a chicken recipe” and “Alexa, give me an easy dinner recipe”. This command will give you a recipe suggestion. These now give me good starting point for searching on youtube and from time to time I will use Alexa’s suggestions if I have the ingredients. The end result is that I am eating a wider variety of home cooked dishes.

Ask Alexa for a Vegetable Recipe.

I haven’t been able to quite work it out, but my Uncle is either going deaf or he just pay attention when I talk to him. He is constantly asking me to repeat what I have said more slowly. The problem is at the moment there isn’t a command to get Alexa to repeat herself (yet I can on my Sat Nav). The most straightforward way is to repeat the question. However as I discovered when listening to audio books, I can change the speed at which the book is played. I subsequently discovered that you can ask Alexa to speak more slowly.

Just try the command “Alexa, speak slower”. In fact Alexa has “7” speaking rates, the default, 4 faster ones and two slower ones. You can obtain them by using the following three phrases: “Alexa, speak slower”, “Alexa, speak faster” and “Alexa, speak at your default rate”.

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