Ask Alexa 9 – Reminders

Alexa* can be really useful for reminding you of things to do. I have a daily reminder to take my medication. It also acts as a reminder to check all the doors and windows before I head off to bed.

To set up a reminder is really easy. Through your Echo* device just say “Alexa, create a new reminder,” at which point Alexa will ask you what the reminder is for. Tell her what it is, such as “leave to pick up the kids from school,” “feed the cat,” or “ring Mom.” Alexa then asks you for the date and time. You can say something like: “Today at 1pm,” “Tomorrow at 4pm,” or “July 10 at 10am.”

You can also give all the details of the reminder in one shot, like: “Alexa, remind me to go to the dentist today at 2:30pm.” Reminders can be one off events or repeated like my medication. You can also add reminders via the Alexa App*. This is useful if you are away from home want to remind yourself when you get home or to remind someone at home to do something like “start the dinner”.

To check your reminders just say “Alexa, what are my reminders?” and she’ll read them out to you. Remove a reminder by saying, “Alexa, delete (adding the name of the reminder)” or delete all of the reminders by saying, “Alexa, delete all reminders.”

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